Greetings my loves!
First and foremost, happy & blessed Imbolc! Though it was yesterday, February 1st, I am a little late to the game here but hey, blessings can be blessings. Those in my immediate area are not celebrating until the 7th so I will make a complete separate post on Imbolc and what I did this year!
So stay tuned!
LOL Is this bitch serious right now? || Google Images |
But today what I really wanted to talk about was dealing with negative people. This past week has been really challenging for me emotionally. I've been dealing with a nasty coworker who constantly degrades my work and then has a major mood swings to where she suddenly wants to be a concerned friend, which has been leaving me very angry. On top of that, my home situation has not been ideal where my anger caries home and doesn't allow me to deal with things pleasantly like I want to within the household. Then my school work for my bachelor's degree was getting on my nerves because I had a really anal professor who took points off for commas when they are as subjective in grammar as they come. Feel overwhelmed? Yeah I do and I was just typing my past experiences.
Whether you're dealing with people from work, school, home or just people along your travels, negative people can have an impact on your overall attitude, especially if you're an empath like I am. I recently have been rediscovering my roots, aka where I was learning the basics of paganism and going over various techniques to protect myself in the spirit world. When it dawned on me, "Hello Ganshmi, you should be doing this daily if it's making you this angry." When I say angry, I mean I wanted to do horrible and nasty things to people if I didn't agree with something. I wasn't acting like myself and definitely not acting upon spreading love instead of hate, something the world has too much of at this time.* So that's when I decided to take a course and regain my knowledge with some actual practicing. Below are the tricks I've been relearning and using that would aid you if you're dealing with negative energies or people.
1] Grounding
Grounding is a beautiful tool that we often overlook when we're feeling overwhelmed. It aids to connect back to mother Earth when we're dealing with a lot, not for just when we're done being awesome spiritual pagans. There are various techniques to grounding and not everyone masters it right away, but one grounding technique I like to use is imagining roots are growing from the soles of my feet and to the ground below. I reach my roots further into the Earth, as far as I can possibly go, letting the cool soil nourish my chakras while I find a deep quartz crystal and wrap my roots around it, therefore healing myself.
2] Clearing
Many people do not know this, but your daily shower or bath is actually you clearing your energy! Pretty neat huh? If showering daily is not your thing, or you'd rather have an actual practice to clearing, then another technique I've been using is taking a light shower. You sit in a comfortable position with your feet planted on the ground, letting yourself relax until you vision a bright white light floating above your crown chakra. Slowly the light washes over your body until all the negativity dissolves from you.
3] Protection / Shielding
This one is an important one, especially for those who are empaths. Shielding/Protecting yourself from other people's emotions is essential or you run around your day feeling like an absolute mess. Start your day by surrounding yourself with a bubble of white light. Imagine it being unbreakable and strong. You can also use various colors, such as pink for love or green for healing. If the bubble is not your thing, you can try disco balls, mirrors, the sacred geometrical flower grid, or whatever strikes your fancy! Try out a couple of different methods and see which one works for you!
4] Breathing
For those moments when you're thinking of nothing else but the situation you're in, the best thing to do is to take a deep breath and to just breathe. Allow the oxygen to fill your lungs, hold it in for roughly 4 seconds, and then let it all out through your mouth. Repeat this a few times and feel the magick flowing through you.
5] Meditating
If you have some time on your hands, meditating is a great stress reducer. Use whatever technique works for you and who knows, you might find an answer to your problems you didn't even know you needed!
6] Getting Out Of The Situation
For some situations where it is so toxic you want to do some serious damage, get yourself out of the situation. Toxic work environments, for example, are something no one should have to put up with. Whether it's switching offices, locations or jobs itself, you should not have to deal with the toxic environment if you can avoid it. Just don't do anything rash.
7] Calling For Help
When all else fails, it's never a bad idea to call for back up. Your guides and angels are always happy to help you in terms of a crisis and you'll find yourself thankful you called for their help.
I know this was a very basic list but I just wanted to remind everyone there are ways to living your life better one technique at a time. Let me know below what techniques you use!
Love & Light,
* This is not saying I am a fluffy pagan, I am far from it. I just know my purpose here is to heal, love and spread awareness to where it aids the Earth.