Friday, December 11, 2015

Book Review: Lakshmi Mantra Magick by Baal Kadmon

Upon seeing this book on the internet, I thought I had honestly struck a gold mind. I have been looking for reading material on my mother goddess and wanted anything and everything to read up on her to obtain more knowledge.* The book promised mantras and an inside depth of these mantras. I had expected a great read that was unique and from a current worshipper of Hers. Sadly, I was mistaken.
If you want a reference book of the things you already know, then this book is the perfect one for you. Most of these mantras can be found on the internet and the author only briefly introduced the goddess stating that we should already know who she is or else, why would we be reading this book? Kadmon missed the opportunity to bring the beauty of Lakshmi to readers who had never heard of her before. Granted if the reader doesn't know who she is, they probably wouldn't be researching her or trying to find a book on her. But what if they were curious and the introduction to the book called to them, the opportunity was lost.
Now when he went in with the mantras, he did state the original language and the english translation of them and then followed brief exercises to use the mantras for, which I found very useful. Kadmon states that the mantras are extremely powerful and will work with the right intent. There is also a lot of white space in the book that I plan on taking notes in with my own findings, therefore creating a little personalized book for Lakshmi.
However one thing that I cannot understand is the spelling errors. There were several spelling errors in the book, simple words too such as 'the' and 'she'. If Kadmon had had an editor to review the book, or if Kadmon had read over the book themselves, the spelling errors could have been avoided. Also the book itself was quite short; most of the information in the book is available online and other then the mantras and exercises, the book was unoriginal. What I am implying is that I wish there was more to it. I wanted it to have more information that was unique and would aid in my spiritual growth. Overall, I would not recommend the book.
Love & Light

* Yes I know I can just research this information on the internet, but there's something about having a book that it far more personal and intimate then just looking at a web page. I plan on saving the internet for last in my research. [But honestly if I had, I probably would have saved a few dollars]. 

1 comment:

  1. nice post, can you please provide mahalakshmi stotram which will be chanted during the festival of Diwali...
