Saturday, January 2, 2016

My New Year's Resolution

Merry Meet My Loves!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun intro into the new year! I wanted to talk about what my goals are for 2016 as opposed to actual resolutions. Every time I make a resolution it never pans out, so making goals is a different approach that I fell will give me the ultimate success I am seeking. I have a little bit of a list and perhaps you might find some inspiration from the following as well.

1] Take Time For My Spiritual Self
This should be a dead give in and something that I already should be doing. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to fall into the traps of becoming too busy with work, school and now coven activities. Though I love being busy, I have to remind myself that focusing on my spiritual step should take a higher priority then most of the other activities. Working on one's self provides a sense of peace and comfort that the mundane world doesn't seem to be giving me. I found that when I started my practice and figured out what I was doing, when I was meditating once a day I was more at peace. I stopped due to the lack of sleep I was getting by working two different jobs and my soul was not at peace. Once I had a meditation, I was stunned by how calm I felt. Moments like these are a wake up call that I need my spiritual practice as much as it needs me. We are one in the same and this year I will work on being there for my soul more then 2015.

2] Be Better To My Body
This one should be another give in, but I have yet to respond to the call. Whenever I see myself in my third eye, I am a fit woman with long dark hair cascading dow my back, dressed in traditional hindi clothing and dancing as if nothing can hold me back. Looking in the mirror, I don't see that. It's more then just looking at myself and being disgusted [which I admit, sometimes I am] but it is taking ownership of my past mistakes, learning from my bad habits and why I got to the point I am now, and changing these habits. Not only will my body thank me, so will my peace of mind. I have already partially started a new diet where I am cutting off all sweets except for fruits, most bread, most dairy and all processed foods. When I did do this, I lost weight, slept better, had less back pain and just felt better. The holidays happened and I got back into my spiral. No more! It is time to respect myself just as I demand to be respected by others.

3] Be A Priestess To An Open Ritual, Even If I Don't Think I Am Good Enough
This is part of the initial item on my list, but it is something I feel I am ready to at least try. I want to experience working in an open circle and leading the ritual in my own creative flair. I feel called to do this. I am actually in a very fortunate situation where my coven lets all members have priest and priestess opportunities to lead and this year, I want to take one. If not, then I will lead my own. I feel this would be a good lesson for me and I am ready to learn it.

4] Buy A House
Okay, a mundane thing I admit is on this list. I haven't had the best luck with money in the past and am learning my lesson in a pretty harsh way. But if it had not been for this harsh lesson, then I would not have realized I was hurting no one but myself. A house is important to me in this aspect because it will provide me with the space I need to worship securely, a place that I can finally call my own, and a chance for my relationship with my boyfriend to grow and to take the next step.

5] Manage My Spending Habits
This one I have come to struggle with all the time, almost as much as my anger. When I moved states I had no friends to hang out with. To ease my loneliness, I went shopping. It wasn't that I needed these things, I just needed to feel as if I had something to do and that I wasn't alone. As the years progress, it has become a bit easier with the spending habits [to which my bank account is grateful for] but it is not where I would like it to be. I am taking a better approach to these habits now.

6] Finish My Book
I have been working on a personal book project that I post on a story sharing website. I am not looking for it to published per say, but I want it finished by March. With working with Archangel Raziel*, he instructed that I write some of the book at least once a day for it will be therapeutic to me and my anger. I am taking his advice and am going to continue working on it in 2016.

7] Write More
And to finish my list, I am going to write more. I started writing more almost a year ago now, but I want to write about things that matter to me and those around me. Similar to writing my book that I mentioned just a bit ago, I want to write more in my book of shadows, I want to write my experiences and feelings in the pagan community and to continue to grow in that aspect.

So this is my list for this year! What goals have you created for the new year?
Picture these goals; write them down or picture them in your mind's eye and then set yourself up for meditation. Create a sacred space within your circle, invite your guides and gods, and ask them to aid you in accomplishing your goals. Your guides and gods want you to succeed and are willing to aid you in terms of accomplishing them.

I am wishing you all a bright and prosperous year.
Love and Light,

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