Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Life Update

Hello loves!
Has it really been almost a month since I've posted? Oops!

Let me take the time to fill you in on everything that has been going on. Basically I took the plunge and decided to officially become a Certified Crystal Healer (CCH) through Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy (HBCA)! When I got the offer and found out that I could easily afford it, my soul did back flips.... yes back flips... and I patiently waited for two weeks before class officially started. Now that I'm two classes in and not only doing the classes, taking notes and patiently fulfilling my #ohmwork (I love this name by the way) I have confirmed that this is definitely the right path for me. The science behind it is interesting, even though I honestly am not interested in science whatsoever, and learning about various techniques and really pinpointing what crystals are and how powerful they are, I have a new appreciation for Momma Earth's creations! 

Left is Lepidolite & Right is Chrysoprase. Both are mine!
During this #ohmwork I've been forced to stop wearing my sugilite pendant and really focus on just meditating and wearing one stone for 3-4 days with a resting day in between each stone. Last week I worked with lepidolite, this week I am working with chrysoprase. Lepidolite was a ver calming stone and it filled me with a lot of peace. It had been itching to work with me for quite some time so when I found out this assignment was heavily suggested (ohmwork is not required whatsoever and not scored for grade), I thought it was the perfect time. Now that I've work chrysoprase for just one day (even as I am typing this post) I found myself to be quite literally in a better mood, similar to how my sugilite makes me feel. Though I do miss my sugilite, chrysoprase is a wonderful temporary replacement!

But anyways, let's stop my ranting about my crystal experience because otherwise this whole post will be about crystals. I am still working at my job and going to my regular school as well. I did end up spending time with my family this past weekend, ended up getting sick the same day (is this a sign? I do not know) but overall am managing to be in high spirits. I got some decent news at work recently but know that I will have to work twice as hard until the situation is resolved. I don't know if I should go into detail about my work life, so I won't right now. 

I've also been doing a lot of things for my coven, such as starting rehearsals for our Shapatu of Ishtar and I am playing the role of Gestishtar. I won't spoil the ending for you in case you decide to join us in Central NJ this year but you don't want to miss it. It's a two night, two day camping ritual reenactment of the Babylonian Goddess Ishtar and her marriage to Tammuz. Once we have a web page for it indicated I will post another post with an update, but for now you can view some of the info here. But all we've done so far is reading through the script and some of the costuming and craft making. I personally have been working on the advertising of the event and spreading the word as well as making promotional material as a good graphic designer does. Not only that but other coven duties that happened to fall into my lap. Not that I truly mind, but you know, more work.

And that's sort of where I am leaving off. As you can see, many things have kept me preoccupied but I do miss my writing. I'm going to try to make a better effort, especially because I have so many ideas just sitting in the draft section and waiting for me to write them if I am being honest.

Let me know down below what you've been up to!
Love & Light

Friday, February 12, 2016

Subscription Review: The Enchanted Crystal Box

Hello Loves!

Today I decided to do something different from the normal blog post that I usually type. I recently purchased a crystal subscription box from Enchanted Crystal and decided it would be fun to do a nice review on them in video format! So click the video below and watch :]

Taken By Ganshmi
Let me know what you think below! Do you prefer these videos with me talking or would you rather just read what I have to say?

And as always, love & light.

For more information, visit: https://enchantedcrystal.com/subscribe/

Friday, February 5, 2016

Joining A Coven While In The Closet

Greetings Loves!

I've been wanting to write this post for a while and honestly, I'm not sure how this is going to come out. I'm going to just let my opinions and words flow through my mind and onto the keyboard so bare with me if I go on a random tangent haha.

Today I wanted to just write to everyone and share a recent endeavor I have come across in my current status of life in hopes that others may either be interested or share similar experiences to mine. As some of you may or may not be aware [and chances are if you're reading my blog to begin with then you know this] that I am in the broom closet. This is something I currently chose to do even though day by day I find myself stepping out of it. For those who have never been in the closet or for those who have not been in the closet for more than five years, you might have forgotten what this entails. Basically I don't share my religion with those I am not comfortable with sharing the information to. At first I was debating upon not telling a single soul, but when I found out that I had to confide in someone about my religious identity, my boyfriend was the first person I told. Sooner rather then later, most of my friends were pagan [and this was after going out and venturing off to meet other pagans] and those who I consider my closest friends I told. However my family and my boyfriend's family is unaware of my religious status.

When I came across a public circle of my current coven, then just another group I was venturing out to, I knew that this was the place I felt at home. It was a moon ritual held at a local UU church and my first meeting I found myself sharing my deepest concerns and secrets to people I hardly knew. I felt called to share, to open myself up to these people and most importantly, I felt safe. Since then, I did everything I could do to join. I attended their classes and all of their events that I was able to. I eventually got invited to their semi private events and became a dedicant to joining the coven. In Yule of 2015, I officially became a member. 

Thank you Google for this lovely picture!
Since joining, I found that a lot of my free time was taken up by various activities in the pagan community, such as public festivals and my coven job. Though these things I do not mind since I enjoy them greatly, I found that I've pushed some things into the back burner due to the amount of work I am doing. I do have a full time job as well as part time online school to obtain my bachelors degree. Then I have these events, friend time and then other responsibilities that take up my free time. What did I push back on the burner? My biological family. 

Though I do communicate with them every now and then, my family and I have not always seen eye to eye. Though I do love them and I know they love me without a doubt, I can just feel that our relationship isn't going to be this close knit family that I had envisioned in my youth. My family is moving to another state which will be a five hour drive from where I currently live and my aunt, uncle and grandfather are following suite. My cousins who are only an hour from me are not interested in my life and my older siblings that are two hours from me are busy raising my niece and nephew. I honestly don't have any set schedule to take a day or two to go visit everyone, which makes staying in the picture difficult. My boyfriend's family is staying within the area we are currently in, but we too don't always see eye to eye. Things will change once we [finally] move out. 

As for if I feel any sort of void in having a family, I do but I don't. I'm going to miss my family but we've already been distant for so long, it isn't something new for me. I've had my grieving period over them being gone and not so into my life as they were before, we're growing in different directions and more importantly in different religions. Not saying that our religion differences are tearing us apart, as I said I am in the closet, but it doesn't mean I'm making a last ditch effort into seeing them every weekend. 

But before this turns into a completely different post then I intended it to be, I've noticed that joining a coven while in the closet can be an easy task as long as those you're living with know where you're going. Not everyone in the house I live in knows where I go, but my boyfriend does and has even covered for me many times. As for my biological family, if they ask me to come over I will to the best of my ability but I am letting my spirituality take precedence over my life for now. After that, those who love and will accept me for who I really am will be next. My biological family isn't in that category. But my pagan family, my coven, is and always will be. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

How To Deal With Negative People

Greetings my loves!

First and foremost, happy & blessed Imbolc! Though it was yesterday, February 1st, I am a little late to the game here but hey, blessings can be blessings. Those in my immediate area are not celebrating until the 7th so I will make a complete separate post on Imbolc and what I did this year!
So stay tuned!

LOL Is this bitch serious right now? || Google Images
But today what I really wanted to talk about was dealing with negative people. This past week has been really challenging for me emotionally. I've been dealing with a nasty coworker who constantly degrades my work and then has a major mood swings to where she suddenly wants to be a concerned friend, which has been leaving me very angry. On top of that, my home situation has not been ideal where my anger caries home and doesn't allow me to deal with things pleasantly like I want to within the household. Then my school work for my bachelor's degree was getting on my nerves because I had a really anal professor who took points off for commas when they are as subjective in grammar as they come. Feel overwhelmed? Yeah I do and I was just typing my past experiences.

Whether you're dealing with people from work, school, home or just people along your travels, negative people can have an impact on your overall attitude, especially if you're an empath like I am. I recently have been rediscovering my roots, aka where I was learning the basics of paganism and going over various techniques to protect myself in the spirit world. When it dawned on me, "Hello Ganshmi, you should be doing this daily if it's making you this angry." When I say angry, I mean I wanted to do horrible and nasty things to people if I didn't agree with something. I wasn't acting like myself and definitely not acting upon spreading love instead of hate, something the world has too much of at this time.* So that's when I decided to take a course and regain my knowledge with some actual practicing. Below are the tricks I've been relearning and using that would aid you if you're dealing with negative energies or people.

1] Grounding
Grounding is a beautiful tool that we often overlook when we're feeling overwhelmed. It aids to connect back to mother Earth when we're dealing with a lot, not for just when we're done being awesome spiritual pagans. There are various techniques to grounding and not everyone masters it right away, but one grounding technique I like to use is imagining roots are growing from the soles of my feet and to the ground below. I reach my roots further into the Earth, as far as I can possibly go, letting the cool soil nourish my chakras while I find a deep quartz crystal and wrap my roots around it, therefore healing myself. 

2] Clearing
Many people do not know this, but your daily shower or bath is actually you clearing your energy! Pretty neat huh? If showering daily is not your thing, or you'd rather have an actual practice to clearing, then another technique I've been using is taking a light shower. You sit in a comfortable position with your feet planted on the ground, letting yourself relax until you vision a bright white light floating above your crown chakra. Slowly the light washes over your body until all the negativity dissolves from you.

3] Protection / Shielding
This one is an important one, especially for those who are empaths. Shielding/Protecting yourself from other people's emotions is essential or you run around your day feeling like an absolute mess. Start your day by surrounding yourself with a bubble of white light. Imagine it being unbreakable and strong. You can also use various colors, such as pink for love or green for healing. If the bubble is not your thing, you can try disco balls, mirrors, the sacred geometrical flower grid, or whatever strikes your fancy! Try out a couple of different methods and see which one works for you!

4] Breathing
For those moments when you're thinking of nothing else but the situation you're in, the best thing to do is to take a deep breath and to just breathe. Allow the oxygen to fill your lungs, hold it in for roughly 4 seconds, and then let it all out through your mouth. Repeat this a few times and feel the magick flowing through you.

5] Meditating
If you have some time on your hands, meditating is a great stress reducer. Use whatever technique works for you and who knows, you might find an answer to your problems you didn't even know you needed!

6] Getting Out Of The Situation
For some situations where it is so toxic you want to do some serious damage, get yourself out of the situation. Toxic work environments, for example, are something no one should have to put up with. Whether it's switching offices, locations or jobs itself, you should not have to deal with the toxic environment if you can avoid it. Just don't do anything rash.

7] Calling For Help
When all else fails, it's never a bad idea to call for back up. Your guides and angels are always happy to help you in terms of a crisis and you'll find yourself thankful you called for their help.

I know this was a very basic list but I just wanted to remind everyone there are ways to living your life better one technique at a time. Let me know below what techniques you use!

Love & Light,

* This is not saying I am a fluffy pagan, I am far from it. I just know my purpose here is to heal, love and spread awareness to where it aids the Earth. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

So You're On A Tight Budget?

Hello Loves!
It seems to me that everyone is on a budget and when it comes to terms with obtaining witchy supplies and reading material, some feel as if they cannot fulfill their witchy duties without having these supplies. Below are a list of places and tips that you can use so you can fulfill your desire without overdrawing your account.

1] You Only Need Yourself
 First and foremost, it should be said that the only tool you truly need when performing any kind of spell and/or ritual is yourself. Your body is your altar and your finger is your wand. Everything else is just to amplify your intent. So if you truly do not need anything for a spell and/or ritual then do not purchase it! The gods know of your true intent so do not stress if buying anything else is not in the cards for you at this time. If you want this to change, you're going to have to put some work into manifesting your desires to the universe. What are you currently spending your money on? If it's only bills and basic necessities, then keep paying them off, don't go into debt over obtaining witchy items. If there's other things that you do not need that you keep purchasing, such as clothes [unless you need clothes of course!], make up, dog outfits [cause really, is your dog going to wear it longer than 5 mins?], jewelery, etc. then take those things off of your shopping list and place the money towards the items you really want. Look for ways to save on the bills. Do you absolutely need cookies or unlimited texting/data? Find ways to save and then you'll see some extra income towards the items you want.

2] Various Box Stores

WalMart & Target
Even if you do not support the retail giants that are currently running the world, something is to be said if you do not have any other options about these ones in particular. You can find incense, oils, candles, decor, journals, writing utensils, food [for cakes & ale], robes and the list goes on and on. These stores really are a on-stop-shop and their items are at pretty decent prices. The advantage of these stores is that you can pretty much find one on almost every corner, making it easily accessible to most people, especially in the Bible Belt.

Goodwill, Red White & Blue, Salvation Army or any thrift store.
Thrifting as been on the rise of trendy shopping habits with various YouTube celebrities if you're friends haven't already suckered you into going to on. Some of the things I've found at thrift stores alone will surprise you! Tarot/Oracle decks, decor such as candle holders, figures, fairies, angels, etc., books on herbs, crystals, sometimes pagan 101 type, etc. and clothing for ritual use. Just look closely at these items before purchasing, check the decks to see if all cards and book are there, check for stains or rust on items. Most thrift stores will go through each item before placing it on the shelves but no one is perfect. I often take things from these stores and if it's for decor, I use it to make something else. Not only is it recycling at it's finest but you're putting an effort to bring new energy into a project.

Local Vendors or Vendors at Events
Shopping locally is always a bonus when purchasing items. The best thing about shopping at local pagan shops is that you don't have to settle for something that's original intent wasn't to be pagany. In witchy shops everything in there is intended to be used for witchy practices or decor. There you will often find spell candles, incense, oils, god/goddess statues, books and so much more! Plus the bonus of shopping there is you're purchasing from the community and keeping them in business, which is much needed!

3] Online Stores

If you've never been on Etsy before, it's a neat little marketplace where you can purchase unique and/or handmade items for just about anything. Often you'll find start up pagan shops there selling all of your essentials, such as candles, oils, herbs, incense and occasionally readings and some decor. I often see crystals for decent prices on Etsy too! It's convenient because those local vendors you meet can have their shop set up on Etsy and then you'll always be able to obtain your favorite things! However another thing I like about Etsy is that you can create lists and save them for later purchases or ideas. I have lists for gift ideas, crystals, shops that I really like or I found had a great price and a list for shops I've actually met in person. 

Ebay is also a decent tool that is often overlooked when purchasing items. I would do some research in regards to who you're purchasing from, such as feedback and where they're shipping from, however you can usually find a deal on altar cloths and candles if you're in need of a deal, as well as many other things. Most of the time, these items are buy only as opposed to waiting for an auction but they are well worth it!

Amazon is a tool that is also overlooked when purchasing certain items.  I've found crystals, god/goddess statues and several books for a good deal! Sometimes you can even find books for a penny and all I had to do was pay for shipping! This is the website to get the most bang for your buck and if you have Amazon Prime [which let's face it, if you're reading this list chances are you're not but you can sign up for a free 30 day trial!] you get free 2 day shipping! Amazon Student also gives you free 2 day shipping if you've registered for that.

Facebook Groups & Instagram
This one has been a shocker for me personally. There's a whole network of witchy stores, trading groups and selling groups on FaceBook that you can pretty much find anything you're looking for at a decent price. I've personally purchased crystals, mala beads, books and other goodies at really low prices. The only downfall to going through here is that most of these sellers have to take your money somehow and that method is PayPal. Though PayPal is a safe and secure method, be aware that PayPal always takes it's cut one way or another. Regardless of the method of payment, you can either outright purchase the items or sometimes you can bid on them until the seller says the sale event is over. There's thousands of groups and seller pages for you to explore! Another surprising social media store is on Instagram. Searchable through hashtags, you're able to find witchy shops or supplies in auction type picture posts. I've purchased several crystals specifically through Instagram where I am led to purchasing through PayPal or the company's website. You can find a deal depending upon the shop! Just be careful about those scammers.

If you've never heard of Listia before, it's a website similar to Ebay but without money involved. You post items you want to sell and bidders bid with credits. Then you use those credits to purchase other things. Sounds really confusing but once you get the hang of things, it's a lot of fun! Some things I've purchased through Listia are several books, tarot decks, oracle decks, herbs, oils, readings, crystals, decor and the list honestly goes on and on. Most of my collection has come from this website. There's a bidding system for the most part but users can list a GIN [aka buy it now] option so you don't have to wait. If you want to make an account, use this link so we can both get some free credits!

4] Bartering With Your Skills & Hobbies
Have a skill or hobby that people would pay for? Why not make a trade deal! Not every witch barters, just so you are warned before bartering your whole life away but the one's that do are definitely worth checking out! Bigger pagan stores do not barter so I would not bother trying [unless you know the owner and have a sort of relationship, which you might have a better chance but it is really up to the owner]. Most smaller businesses or ones you meet at vending events such as Pagan Pride Day or the Renaissance Fair might be willing to negotiate a deal. Say you make your own candles and you want a necklace, if you have your product with you or can get it to them easily, the deal could happen. Both parties win!

5] Make/Grow Them Yourself
The last tip I am going to offer is just making what you want yourself. Candle making can be a little time consuming but it can also be a lot of fun! The same can be said for soap making, jewelry, incense, oils and so much more. As for herbs, growing them yourself is a rewarding experience and one that will surely be shown in your spell work.

6] Borrowing Never Hurts
If you know a person who has an item you'd like to borrow, best example being a book, ask them if you can borrow it! That way you can use these materials without spending a dime! Just make sure to return the item the exact same way you found it or chances are, they won't let you borrow from them again.

And that is it for now my dears!
Let me know down below what methods, places or tips you would suggest that weren't on the list!
Love & Light,

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Book Review: How To Hear Your Angels by Doreen Virtue

Greetings Loves,

Provided by Amazon
Today I wanted to express my personal views on the book How To Hear Your Angels by Doreen Virtue.  Overall I adored this book, having not experienced too many things as far as angels are concerned, I found it to be a perfect beginner's book and a great intro to other Doreen Virtue books. I love how she gives descriptions on the major Archangels that she likes to discuss and that the information is the same as those on her website. She also goes into some detail over the various ways to connect with your angels as well as the differences between the ego and the actual connection with other beings comes into play. 

The only thing that I found odd, which I am not the only one to think so if you give a second to read some of the reviews on Amazon, is that she likes to site her other novels a lot in the middle of paragraphs. Though as I said, this is a good book to have an intro to her other novels, if you have already read her novels you will not be satisfied with these references, and do I day saw advertisements, for her other works. Also it should be worth noting that if you have read her other books then you will not like this book at all. Again, going off of other reviews on Amazon that I have seen, apparently she uses a lot of material from her other novels and does a 'copy and paste' into this book, making up at least 90% of the book. A lot of others were not happy about this, especially those who collect her novels and tarot decks throughout the years.

However, this was the first book by her that I have own and read of hers. I would state that this is a wonderful introduction book. It's a light read and you can finish it within an hour or two if you're reading straight through. It is also nice to have other sources of information that is by her if I am interested in the subjects she was discussing. No where in the book does she say you must buy her product, I got the vibe that she is just letting you know if you want to know more is all. The advertisements didn't leave a sour taste in my mouth.

Overall a cute little introduction book. I would recommend if you've never read her books before or if you've never read about angels before. Safe if you're not a pagan too, as she states in the beginning this caters to no specific religion because the angels do not.

Love and Light to You,

Saturday, January 2, 2016

My New Year's Resolution

Merry Meet My Loves!

I hope everyone had a safe and fun intro into the new year! I wanted to talk about what my goals are for 2016 as opposed to actual resolutions. Every time I make a resolution it never pans out, so making goals is a different approach that I fell will give me the ultimate success I am seeking. I have a little bit of a list and perhaps you might find some inspiration from the following as well.

1] Take Time For My Spiritual Self
This should be a dead give in and something that I already should be doing. Unfortunately, it is all too easy to fall into the traps of becoming too busy with work, school and now coven activities. Though I love being busy, I have to remind myself that focusing on my spiritual step should take a higher priority then most of the other activities. Working on one's self provides a sense of peace and comfort that the mundane world doesn't seem to be giving me. I found that when I started my practice and figured out what I was doing, when I was meditating once a day I was more at peace. I stopped due to the lack of sleep I was getting by working two different jobs and my soul was not at peace. Once I had a meditation, I was stunned by how calm I felt. Moments like these are a wake up call that I need my spiritual practice as much as it needs me. We are one in the same and this year I will work on being there for my soul more then 2015.

2] Be Better To My Body
This one should be another give in, but I have yet to respond to the call. Whenever I see myself in my third eye, I am a fit woman with long dark hair cascading dow my back, dressed in traditional hindi clothing and dancing as if nothing can hold me back. Looking in the mirror, I don't see that. It's more then just looking at myself and being disgusted [which I admit, sometimes I am] but it is taking ownership of my past mistakes, learning from my bad habits and why I got to the point I am now, and changing these habits. Not only will my body thank me, so will my peace of mind. I have already partially started a new diet where I am cutting off all sweets except for fruits, most bread, most dairy and all processed foods. When I did do this, I lost weight, slept better, had less back pain and just felt better. The holidays happened and I got back into my spiral. No more! It is time to respect myself just as I demand to be respected by others.

3] Be A Priestess To An Open Ritual, Even If I Don't Think I Am Good Enough
This is part of the initial item on my list, but it is something I feel I am ready to at least try. I want to experience working in an open circle and leading the ritual in my own creative flair. I feel called to do this. I am actually in a very fortunate situation where my coven lets all members have priest and priestess opportunities to lead and this year, I want to take one. If not, then I will lead my own. I feel this would be a good lesson for me and I am ready to learn it.

4] Buy A House
Okay, a mundane thing I admit is on this list. I haven't had the best luck with money in the past and am learning my lesson in a pretty harsh way. But if it had not been for this harsh lesson, then I would not have realized I was hurting no one but myself. A house is important to me in this aspect because it will provide me with the space I need to worship securely, a place that I can finally call my own, and a chance for my relationship with my boyfriend to grow and to take the next step.

5] Manage My Spending Habits
This one I have come to struggle with all the time, almost as much as my anger. When I moved states I had no friends to hang out with. To ease my loneliness, I went shopping. It wasn't that I needed these things, I just needed to feel as if I had something to do and that I wasn't alone. As the years progress, it has become a bit easier with the spending habits [to which my bank account is grateful for] but it is not where I would like it to be. I am taking a better approach to these habits now.

6] Finish My Book
I have been working on a personal book project that I post on a story sharing website. I am not looking for it to published per say, but I want it finished by March. With working with Archangel Raziel*, he instructed that I write some of the book at least once a day for it will be therapeutic to me and my anger. I am taking his advice and am going to continue working on it in 2016.

7] Write More
And to finish my list, I am going to write more. I started writing more almost a year ago now, but I want to write about things that matter to me and those around me. Similar to writing my book that I mentioned just a bit ago, I want to write more in my book of shadows, I want to write my experiences and feelings in the pagan community and to continue to grow in that aspect.

So this is my list for this year! What goals have you created for the new year?
Picture these goals; write them down or picture them in your mind's eye and then set yourself up for meditation. Create a sacred space within your circle, invite your guides and gods, and ask them to aid you in accomplishing your goals. Your guides and gods want you to succeed and are willing to aid you in terms of accomplishing them.

I am wishing you all a bright and prosperous year.
Love and Light,